“We are too weak to even talk about free will before virus.”
Due to the recent lockdown in Singapore, I have been staying indoors all the time, except for the times when I have to go out to buy food.
This is probably the same situation for many people who also try to err on side of caution and reduce their movement as a result of the pandemic. I have never been an outdoor kind of person, but not going out because I did not want to, compared to not going out because I am not allowed to, feels really different. This is when I realised how precious is the freedom that God has given to us.
When I meditate on Genesis,
Genesis 1:28
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Genesis 2:16
And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden
Through these two verses, I suddenly realise how much freedom God has granted us. When we read such verses, maybe a lot of times we tend to focus on the “restricted” side, which is what Adam and Eve were not allowed to eat. But comparing that to the amount of freedom that God gave, the freedom He has given is way greater. They could do everything, except that one thing.
I realised that God has given this great amount of freedom to me too. I could choose to go out or stay indoors, I could choose to dine in or take away, I could choose to eat Chinese food or western… there were just countless things I could choose to do. However, I took these things for granted. Only when such freedom was taken away from me, then I realised how blessed I have been.
Through the Coronavirus situation, I saw the weakness of man and the undeserved blessings that God has poured out upon man. Though tiny as microorganisms, the virus still has such a great impact upon mankind – it sent huge waves of panic among people and sadly, it took away numerous lives too. Man may seem big, mighty, clever, smart, or intelligent, but before the virus, most can only surrender and face their “destiny”. Without God, this is the state of man – weak, vulnerable and we can only submit to the situation we are in. Where is the human freewill in such a situation? We are too weak to even talk about freewill before the virus. Hence, it is indeed a great blessing of God that He, the creator of Heaven and Earth, would give us freedom.
I am thankful to God for His amazing love and blessings. And we pray that by the mercy of God, may the coronavirus pass soon.