In the month of April, YEF members meditate on the book of Genesis.
As of 27th April 2020, members had gone through Genesis chapter 1 to 3. Some members shared their reflections:
1. The message really made me reflect that each of us is not made by mistake or by chance. We are made purposefully and wonderfully. That means we should not be throwing our lives as if they did not matter. We really should treasure our lives and make full use of it to do what is best. That is to walk where God wants us to because our plans can never be greater than God’s. The image of God being in every single of us, makes every human being precious. We are all seen to be precious and so we cannot treat our lives indifferently or anything else. We should take care of ourselves physically and spiritually. And when we sin, we know that not only are we cleansed and saved through Jesus, but also through Jesus, we can reunite with God and be righteous and holy by His grace and spirit. His spirit which resides in us can make us righteous and holy, and not by our own efforts.
2. God’s love is the purest form of love and it can bring healing to all souls and relationships. Only when we love others as God loves us, then our relationships with others will really have peace and joy. I realised that walking with God helps me to understand what true love is and how it should like. Previously, my own notion of love is to satisfy all my own needs and I do not really think about others. This one-sided kind of relationship where I demand to receive constantly will never last and will only bring hurt to the other party. Now I can see that to love is to serve and that means sacrifice at times. However, we make these sacrifices joyously because we know the outcome is that there will be greater joy for all of us. In the same vein, when we walk with God, we know sufferings will come and we may have to make sacrifices, but the outcome is that we will indeed gain so much more. And God is merciful and loving, He will always cover all our needs and desires so we do not need to worry that we will lose our families etc. God will protect them and bless them as He blesses us.
3. We see that God gave His commandment to man not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge because of love. When God loves us, He wants to give us freedom. But in doing so, the commandments prevent us from falling away from God. There are reasons as to why God ordains certain things and why He tells us not to do things. There will be times when we come to realise that truly God’s knowledge cannot be comprehended by human’s minds. We are incapable of understanding every single thing that God does and that is where faith comes in. If we cannot understand and cannot see the reasons why, we have faith that God is always for our good and that He will protect us no matter what.