On 1 April 2020, YEF Singapore members continue to meditate on John 20:11-18.
The reality is that Jesus was crucified by us and for us. Just like the Parable of the Tenants that Jesus taught in Matthew 21, the farmers killing the Son of the landowner who planted the vineyard. Jesus came as light of the world, in this light all darkness is exposed. The Pharisees felt that their authority was challenged and they wanted to kill Jesus. We all have this sin of wanting to kill God in us. We resist God and we want God to leave us alone so that we can continue to hide in our sins.
Below is a reflection by one of the members:
The love and devotion of the women who followed Jesus to the cross is what we should have. We must not have misconceptions in our faith but to remember the truth. Unless we guard and remember the truth securely in our hearts, we will fall when Satan attacks us.
The truth is that Jesus was nailed on the cross by our own sins and not by pre-destination. We are not made to glorify God but to experience a true relationship of love with Him. God is not evil nor has evil intentions. He truly loves unconditionally and cannot be thought otherwise. This is the truth we must not misconstrue by our own thoughts or let satan shake our faith.
Truly we need to walk single-mindedly for God. To only set our eyes on Him who loves us dearly and to remember this love He has for each of us. Nothing else in the world satisfies except God. So we must remember and not be shaken by our own thoughts or feelings. We must have that true conviction that there is nothing else in the world that is better than God and God’s plans will always be better than ours. Amen