On 24th March 2020, YEF Singapore meditated on Jesus’ path of Cross.
The Jews had great hatred towards Jesus, although Jesus is sinless, they were persistent in killing Jesus. Even after Pilate flocked Jesus and declared that he found no basis of charge against Jesus repeatedly, the Jews did not stop the idea of crucifying Jesus.
One member shared:
At any point, Jesus could have just turned away. But he did not. He truly walked the whole path of the cross because He knew this was God’s will and he obeyed. Apart from obedience, in our hearts we must have the right mindset and attitude. God’s will may seem like a whole path of suffering. But in anything that we do, there is suffering. As we suffer for God, we will still have His grace and mercy. We know this suffering is glorious. The fruits of the suffering we bear for God, is greater than the fruits of suffering for the world. What is really the outcome and goal that is worthy?
Our mindsets should be that the time we sacrifice for something should be worthy in God’s eyes and store up eternal treasures than the things of the world. Not only is working for God will give us fruits that will last an eternity, there truly are people in the world who lead extremely desolate lives and have yet to hear the truth.
Usually towards the end of life, then people will realise that it is better to give than to receive. So much wealth yet one cannot bring it with them past this life. Would it not be better to share this wealth to others who really really need it? Even sharing this wealth would not cause the wealthy person to suffer.