Day 13: In Jesus’ Name

On 11 March 2020, YEF Singapore meditated John 16:25~33.

The following is a reflection by one of the members:

I was touched by the part on how we use Jesus’ name to pray. I never really thought about why we would say “In Jesus’ name, we pray” when we close in prayer. I just accepted that it is a norm and somewhat like tradition. But truly, we say this because we believe that Jesus’ death on the cross has broken the wall between God and us. And we believe Jesus comes from God and that we love Him. He is our intercessor who bridged us when we were once separated from God. To some sense, it helps me to meditate more deeply on the fact that I can pray to God, because Jesus died on the cross. He indeed deserves all the glory. His name is powerful.

Jesus has true certainty of His identity and beliefs. He never once wavered in declaring where He came from (John 3:13; John 8:23). He knew exactly where He came from and what He has to do. God has already told us where we come from, who we belong to, and will reveal to us what plans He has for us. Do we have the faith to hold onto these truths even if the world rejects and tells us we are wrong?

Very often, we lack faith. We keep wavering. We are unsteady but we must not fall into the deception of satan that we can rest easy. God will give us true rest and peace. But we must know that each of us has limited time. It is like gold and we need to spend it wisely. God will give us time and wait for us. But how much better it will be, if we are certain and steady before God (because we ask for His strength and not by our own efforts) and have faith?