How Do We Get The Most Out of Life?

God calls us to live life in all its fullness. Being a student is a great time to really respond deeply to this call. But before you launch yourself into 100 different activities, here are a few questions to think about:

  • How do you relax? What helps you re-charge your batteries? Do you need time alone, or with others?
  • What does it mean to live a full life? It is the same as a busy life? How can you build in time to think, reflect, pray? Perhaps we get out what we put in.
  • What makes you happy? What moments in the day are you most grateful for? Strong friendships, time with family, new challenges and serving others can all give us a sense of purpose and bring us closer to God.
  • How can you get out of your comfort zone and meet people who are different from you? What will challenge you?

Here Are A Few Ideas To Get You Started:


This might be a Christian community, a chaplain, or a group of friends.

Join Societies

– but not too many! Have a look online before you get to freshers’ fair, and decide which ones you want to find out more about. Try something new.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

Talk to people who are different from you – different faiths, cultures, ages, life experiences.

Give Your Time

Volunteer for a local charity, help with a foodbank, sign up to be a befriender to asylum seekers, or join a campaigning society.

Don’t forget the holidays. You might have to earn money, but why not also make time to volunteer at festivals, go on a trip to a Christian community like Iona or Taizé, go to Lourdes, join a chaplaincy retreat or participate in the student cross pilgrimage?

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Life to the Full